Project Description
- Tsui Wah Restaurant, Hongkong
- Tokio Joe, Nikko Hotel, Jakarta
- Cafe ONE, Parklane Hotel, Jakarta
- Bakrie Executive Club, Jakarta
- Suncity Karaoke, Jakarta
- Hard Rock Cafe,Jakarta
- Cilantro, BNI City 46th Floor
- Melt Wine & Dine BRI II, Jakarta
- Restaurant Bintang Laut Laguna, Cirebon
- Restaurant Beluga, Benoa, Bali
- Bali SULTAN Octopusy Discotheque, Bali
- Sizzler American Grill, the whole stores
- Hoka-Hoka Bento, the whole stores
- Holland Bakery, the whole stores
- Rest Paregu, Kebayoran, Jakarta
- Khung Restaurant, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta
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